Printers Collection Project

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A Treasure Trove of Print and Paperworker History at the Marx Memorial Library (MML)


Created in 2009 by the GPMU donation of books, photographs, pictures, banners, reports, pamphlets and artefacts, the Marx Memorial Library’s Printworkers’ Collection is a vivid representation of the history of workers’ struggles in the printing and paper industry.   Since 2009 the Collection has expanded with other donations including archives and photographs of the Wapping Dispute (1986), the Briant Colour Work-In (1972) and original artworks of cartoons by Tony Hall. A unique and growing archive of national significance, it covers disputes and solidarity actions as well as union organisation and individual members’ own material.

The Collection needs to be catalogued and stored to a professional standard so that it becomes more readily accessible. We have raised £7000 already but have to raise another £8000 to employ an archive cataloguer. This is a critical step towards opening the Collection to wider access, paving the way for exhibitions, digitisation, joint activities and projects, particularly for Unite/GPM&IT Sector members.

We need help to bring this imaginative project to life, to relate the colourful story of print and paperworkers’ struggles for rights and better conditions. Arrange for your branch to discuss it, send a donation, help us achieve our objective.

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