Affiliate - Direct Debit

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At the heart of the British labour movement, the Library is home to a unique collection of published and archival sources of the trade union and labour movement - from the Tolpuddle Martyrs to the present day.


This is a period of renewed activity for the Library. As we approach the 90th anniversary of our founding in 1933, we have an ambitious programme extending the work of the Library and its Workers’ School to enhance our provision of Marxist and labour and trade union movement education – in person and online. We aim to redevelop our building to maximise its accessibility as well as preserve and to widen availability of its world class collections on labour history for research.


AFFILIATION by organizations offers:

  • Reduced rate meeting room hire in a central London venue 
  • Bespoke trade union education focussed on our labour movement's socialist roots
  • Unique resources of labour movement education and material
  • Subscription to Marx Memorial Library journal Theory & Struggle
  • Membership bulletins on forthcoming events, classes and lectures
  • Guided tours of the Library
  • Professional and easily accessible research facilities for trade union members

Model motion for affiliation

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