Theory and Struggle 2024 - Number 125

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Theory and Struggle is the annual journal of the Marx Memorial Library & Workers' School (MML).

This edition includes:

  • Marx Memorial Library and Workers' School at 90 Symposium: Popular Fronts and Resistane to Fascism: Learning the lessons of 1933 and the founding of the Marx Memorial Library in context by Mary Davis, Sitaram Yerchury, Renate Koppe and Patrick Theuret
  • Class mobilisation and class consciouness in the British strike wave of 2022-23 by Jonathan White
  • The polycrisis of capitalism by Michael Roberts
  • BRICS+ in the context of a struggle for a new global order by Jeremy Cronin
  • Lenin's lessons by Vijay Prishad
  • Imperialism and the labour aristocracy in Britain by Mary Davis
  • Breaking up the state and lopping off the parasites: Lenin's "dictatorship of the proletariat" as the state that is ceasing to be a state by Jonathan White

There are also sections on trade union and community struggles, including the 50th anniversary of the Portuguese revolution; the 90th anniversary of MML; and book reviews.

Members of MML get free ONLINE access to this and all previous editions of the Library's journals, dating back to the 1930s. 

Number of Pages: 
Publish Date: 
Thursday, 1 August 2024