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Back to topAffiliates play a vital role in the life of the Library furthering our aims, advancing education, knowledge and learning in all aspects of the science of Marxism, the history of socialism and the working class movement. Our national affiliates currently include Unite, RMT & ASLEF. Please use the below text as a model motion for affiliation at branch level
Since the MML’s foundation in 1933, in response to the rise of fascism in Europe, we've been at the heart of the British labour movement, advancing education, knowledge and learning in all aspects of the science of Marxism, the history of socialism and the working class.
The Library is home to a unique collection of published and archival sources on related subjects, including the Spanish Civil War, trade unionism and peace and solidarity campaigns. The Library's education programme – online and on-site – covers subjects ranging from political and economic theory to socialist art. In the centre of historic Clerkenwell, the Library itself has a radical history. Visitors can step in the footsteps of Lenin – who worked in exile at 37 Clerkenwell Green -, Eleanor Marx and William Morris.
At a time when the political establishment is seeking to rewrite history to suit its own ends, the MML provides a much-needed alternative rooted in the lived experiences of generations of working-class people. The MML is a charity and is reliant on affiliations and donations. We particularly depend on trade unions, nationally, regionally, individual branches and trades councils. It’s absolutely vital that this wonderful asset gets the support it needs to thrive for the future and to record and tell our side of the story.
This branch notes;
* That the Marx Memorial Library has been a home for radical thought and activity since 1933
* That it holds very valuable historical archives and collections, including material about the Spanish Civil War unavailable unaware else
* That the Library relies entirely on personal and organisational donations from individuals and groups, mainly trade unions
This branch believes;
* That it is crucial to have spaces such as the Library where working people can discover their history and organise present struggles
* That actively involving ourselves in the work and activity of the Library will be mutually beneficial and will help to link up our battles with those of others.
This branch resolves;
* To affiliate to the Library at a cost of £25.00 per year
* To make a one off donation of £50
* To circulate to our members information about the Library and it's programme of events and activities