Poster-Film Collective

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Marx Memorial Library & Workers’ School is delighted to announce that it has recently received a generous donation of over 175 posters produced by the Poster-Film Collective, a group of activist poster makers based in London, who produced hand-printed posters throughout the 1970s and 80s on political and social themes. The posters supported struggles against colonialism and imperialism, women's struggle for equal rights and the continuing fight against racism. Other types of posters include Brecht poems in visual form and sets of educational posters with historical narratives. These were printed alongside posters supporting trade union and community campaigns.

The donation by Christine Halsall, an original member of the Poster-Film Collective will join the Marx Memorial Library’s growing poster collection which already contains over 2000 posters covering subjects ranging from the Russian Revolution to Anti-apartheid campaigns in Britain and abroad. Once the new posters have been catalogued they will be available to browse on the Library catalogue.

Christine is working with a small team to publish a full colour book of posters and original artwork by the Collective. If you would like to find out more about how you can support this exciting project, please visit the Poster-Film Collective website