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This edition deals with a range of themes related to current struggles, international perspectives from the developing world in particular, and the role of education in the working-class movement. It notably features an interview with Jeremy Corbyn reflecting on his first 100 days as Labour Party leader and the issues that have arisen out of this political development.
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Current Challenges and Struggles
3 Editorial Marjorie Mayo
4 Breaks in Gradualness: an overview of political developments Andrew Murray
13 Jeremy Corbyn reflects on his first 100 days as leader of the Labour Party with Ben Chacko
16 The European Union and collective bargaining Keith Ewing
21 Anti-TU legislation in Britain Frances O'Grady
24 Kill the Housing Bill Glyn Robbins
76 Ellen (Red Ellen) Wilkinson: from Suffragist to Government Minister Paula Bartley
82 Radical Clerkenwell Graham Stevenson
86 Marx's Civil War in France Jonathan White
90 Activity Theory meets austerity - or does it? Peter Bartley
100 James Connolly and the Wider Class Politics of 1916 Priscilla Metscher
107 Karl Marx oration 2016 Brian Campfield
108 Women in the Revolutionary Decades: Ireland at the turn of the 20th century Pauline Conroy
International Perspectives
26 The Modi Phenomenon in Contemporary Indian Politics Prakash Karat
29 Claudia Jones: letters donated to the Marx Memorial Library Marjorie Mayo
30 Strategic Review of African Developments Dominic Tweedie
35 Ilyenkov: Materialism without dialectics Roger Fletcher
37 Cuba and the United States Rob Miller
43 China's socialist market reforms: moving to a new model Jenny Clegg
48 What should socialists think about China? Gavin Poynter and Michael Rustin
Essays in Review
114 UK Crises: Historical Description and Theoretical Explanation Simon Mohun
121 Classes, Nations and Marxism John Foster
129 Recent Works on Early Modern Capitalism in England Richard Saville
134 Global education reform Gawain LIttle
141 The Moral Outrage of a Sceptic Nadine Gordimer and South Africa Michael Newman
Education, the working class movement and the work of the library
56 Notes from the Library Meirian Jump
58 The Marx Memorial Library Exhibition on Socialist Resistance to World War 1 Mary Davis
60 Spanish Historical Memory Meirian Jump
62 Hans Hess Nick Wright
67 'Really useful' knowledge and 19th century adult worker education - what lessons for today? Richard Clarke
148 Systematic fragility in the global economy reviewed by Michael Roberts
149 Global education reform: building resistance and solidarity reviewed by Michael McKrell
150 Southern Insurgency: The Coming of the Global Working Class reviewed by John Kelly
150 EREP Review of the UK Economy in 2015 reviewed by Simon Renton
152 Books on USSR/Russia reviewed by Grover Furr