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Debates within Marxist theory and history
3 Neoliberalism: it’s financialisation Ben Fine
6 The necessity of communism Vijay Prashad
14 The Luria-Chomsky exchange Peter Jones
30 The 1919 Forty Hours Strike John Foster
42 The Alternative Economic Strategy Jonathan Michie
50 Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht
100 years from their deaths Johanna Scheringer-Wright and Mike Wright
Left governments in power
60 West Bengal Harsev Bains
68 Cuba 60 years on Rob Miller
76 Economic policies for the many not the few Ben Fine and Alfredo Saad-Filho
Struggles in the current context
90 CND and struggles for peace in dangerous and disturbing times Kate Hudson
100 Pashtun mobilisations in Pakistan Saleem Shah
112 Who will organise the unorganised? Michael MacNeil
124 Care workers for change Kevan Nelson
134 Neoliberal ideology versus the public service ethos
Interview with Mark David-Gray on his experiences in the cultural industries
Reflections from the Marx Memorial Library
140 Marx 200 Bruni de la Motte
142 The Marx and Engels archives Meirian Jump
148 Marx Oration Minister Ma Hui and Carol Stavris
150 The Poster Collection Ajmal Wafiq and Meirian Jump
154 Out – not down – on the Costa del Trico Heather Wakefield
155 Social movements for sustainable cities, but where is labour? Linda Clarke
156 Economic exploitation and social oppression beyond the factory gates Jude Fransman
157 They were fighting for your freedom Meirian Jump
159 The coming food crisis Richard Clarke
160 Socially committed art Danielle Child
162 Triple oppression in India: class, caste and gender Mary Davis
164 Stories for young socialists Jan Woolf