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Introduction to Marxism January 2020
With a focus on the fundamentals of Marxism and its relevance to understanding and action, this course of four classes will cover an introduction to Marxist theory, applying it to a discussion of relevant issues today, such as: the changing nature of work and exploitation, austerity and the gig economy, racism, women’s oppression, class society, revolution and climate change.
Neoliberalism, Financialisation and Crisis- Costas Lapavitsas
International banking institutions are expressing growing concern about falling global investment, slowing growth and the very high levels of corporate debt. Interest rates are being lowered as a new systematic crsis threatens. In this context our keynote lectures will focus on the nature of capitalist crisis in the 21st century. Three distinguised Marxist economists will provide their own distinct analyses.
Lectures in 2016
Lectures given by Mohun and Siefert in 2016 at the Marx Memorial Library & Workers' School
Capitalist Crisis
International banking institutions are expressing growing concern about falling global investment, slowing growth and the very high levels of corporate debt. Interest rates are being lowered as a new systematic crsis threatens. In this context our keynote lectures will focus on the nature of capitalist crisis in the 21st century. Three distinguised Marxist economists will provide their own distinct analyses.
Housing Crisis Course
Britain’s housing crisis has been increasing dramatically, as the horror of the Grenfell Tower disaster so tragically demonstrates. These three sessions will provide the background information that we need in order to campaign most effectively, making the arguments for alternative policies. They examine the historical and economic context, policy options and campaigning strategies.
Marxian Political Economy
Professor Simon Mohun examines Marxian Political Economy and its Enduring Relevance today, starting with a Marxist approach to a capitalist economy and then examining value and price and profit and the rate of profit.