Russia as part of the Triple Entente

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The Triple Entente was formed between France, Great Britain and Russia as a response to Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy's Triple Alliance (the Central Powers). After Russia went to Serbia's defence during the final Balkan crisis, it then became embroiled in hostilities against Germany and Austria-Hungary who had shared aims in the Balkans in opposition to Russia. This was the spark which inevitably led, via the alliance system, to the greater war against the Central Powers. As the war dragged on, however, Russian people, including the soldiers themselves, began to question the undeclared aims of the war and the colossal devastation and senseless human sacrifice engendered by it. In short, the call for peace became an ever more persistent rallying cry. Russia's participation in the war left millions of their own soldiers dead. The campaign was chaotic, as many of the soldiers were dispatched without enough arms or food, leading not only to war weariness, but to outright opposition to the conflict. The Provisional Government when appointed after February 1917, continued Russian involvement in the war.

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